

Where are you right now? Are you in the office, on the street, in a mall, in a cafe . . .? Could you just look around you? Are you seeing what am seeing; Ladies wearing low neck tops, skimpy gowns, mini skirts, leggs, low waist trousers, tight jeans etc. exposing sensitive parts of their bodies in ways that could make imaginations go wild
? Some with disgusting tatoos inscripted on various parts of their bodies.Men too wearing earrings, sagged trousers with tatoos on their exposed bodies? You better WATCH YOUR WATCHING!
Or are you in a closeth? Is yourT.V set on; do you see the erotic videos in the guise of music videos that now dominate our T.V screens? Or maybe you are sitted in front of a computer right now or even holding a smart phone. You are just a few clicks away from hardcore ponography! I would rather you WATCH YOUR WATCHING! Our eyes and ears are the gateways to our heart. A man is not polluted until his heart is polluted. As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. The things we see and hear gradually take over our minds thereby influencing our behaviours. The Holy Spirit instructs "Keep your heart with all dilligence for out of it springs the issues of life (Pv.4:23). Simply put, "WATCH YOUR WATCHING!" We must control what enters our ears and eyes as we go about our daily activities. This will save us from the enticing machinations of Lucifer and his onslaught on our sense of morality. It is true that we can't avoid seeing but we must let it stop at seeing. Seeing could graduate to looking and looking unto lusting and lusting could graduate to craving and unto many other vices. When you see, just look away, log off the site and get off the 'sight'. Turn off the computer. Change the channel or better still, turn off the T.V! Read Mt.5:27-30. James 1:14-15 says " . . . one is tempted when he is drawn by his own desires and enticed. Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully grown, brings forth death." This depicts what happened to David. Look at him in 2Samuel chapters11&12. He saw Bathsheba, another man's wife bathing! He could have looked away. But no! He allowed his seeing to graduate to looking and looking to lusting and eventually he brought upon his family a generational curse! (2Sm.12:10). One reckless use of our eyes or ears could set in motion a chain of sins. David became an adulterer. This led him to become a conspirator, then a hypocrite and then a murderer. As Allen Webster would say 'The society today places us on 'David's balcony''. One can hardly look around without seeing some sensitive body parts, deliberately exposed, beckoning on our attention in an alluring temptation. A lot of married people are trapped in secret extra marital affairs. A lot of unmarried people are hooked in fornication. This affairs often produce unwanted pregnancies. In a bid to hide it, the baby is often murdered through abortion.Only eternity will tell how many abortions performed each passing day around the world! I learnt of a lady who went through 5 abortions! Such people live with nagging guilts. In their hearts, they know that they are liars, hypocrites and murderers. If they could cast their minds back, they would realize that it all began with one unbridled look; they behaved like David. We must train and prepare our minds against such on daily bases. God is watching how we watch our watching. Jesus says "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already commited adultery with her in his heart" (Mt.5:28). A WATCHING THAT IS NOT WATCHED BRINGS SORROW IN THE END. On the other hand, Bethsheba was as guilty as David; she exposed her body indecently. So are those who indecently dress to expose their bodies today. Jesus says "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a milestone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depth of the sea" (Mt.18:6). God is watching you as you dress to arouse lustful thoughts in others. What sort of music do you listen to? As you go to the vidoe club and book club to buy or rent videos or novels, what sort do you choose? What sort of magazines do you read? Somtimes so called christians intentionally rent and watch videos with heavy nude pictures and erotic contents. Worst still you allow underaged children to watch them. You are joining forces with those who produce those videos and audios to destroy our children thus our future.This is a shame! As for those who produce such books and movies, you are corrupting and destroying innocent minds in the name of enterprise. Sometimes, the society even awards them. It makes one to wonder. These are oppotunists exploiting the already morally impovrished society. Just think about this; is your money not bloody since you made it at the detriment of the society? Remember that you shall answer for those tender minds you are helping to destroy. Read Mt.18:6. God's counsel? R - E - P - E - N - T! (Lk.13:3). Perhaps you are guilty of not watching your watching. Maybe you are guilty of abortions. Maybe you nurse lustful tendencies. Are you a homosexual? Are you a habbitual fornicator? Or are you entangled in an illicit relationship? Here is the opportunity to be free. Jesus makes you a special offer; "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" ". . . though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool" ". . . and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sins." (Mt.11:28, Is.1:18, 1Jn.1:7). I know you will like to have this all important experience. Here are what you must do "Repent and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" "He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. But he who does not believe shall be condenmed" (Acts.2:38, Mk.16:16). To repent is to resolve to stop those acts now. To be baptized is to be immersed (buried) in water as an obedient response to the death, burial and ressurection of Jesus Christ. This puts you into Christ (His Church) (Ro.6:3-6, Gl.3:27). In Christ, you become a brand new person; "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new ceation. Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2Co.5:17). Your sinful past will be wiped off God's record as if you never committed them. We are most ready to assist you. For prayers and counseling or questions, Contact the author: McIntosh Chimeziri (Evang.) Phone:+2348096799868, +2347066780720 Email: mchimeziri@gmail.com

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